Sunday, August 31, 2008


For my Creative Writing Paper, we had to write two haiku's. One on "metal" and the other on "sunset" After the paper was over, I realised I was supposed to write on "metal" in the musical sense, but oh well. Here are the haikus I wrote.

Bangles & Sound
Cold metal on her skin
speaks volumes
Jangling her exuberance
and her pain.

Sunset on the Floor
An orange sari drapes
my bare windows
Washing the floor in
eternal sunset.


Anonymous said...

Well, one might not spot it at first glance, but if you take the title away from the first one, it can be construed in the musical sense.

Good stuff.

Akshat "nothingness obsessed" Joshi said...

brilliant is the word..

limiting urself in the seekers perspective is no creative writing..

u might not get the best of grades for writing something remotely related but the satisfaction u derive outta it is like a genuine smile on an wrinkled old face - UNMATCHABLE..

1+2+2=5, 1+2+3=6: 56 said...

I'm going to go with a more simple comment of "I like"